

FUNCTION LetterAddAddr(IN letter HANDLE, IN addr CHAR(64), IN addrtype CHAR(64), IN cc BIT) RETURNS INT;


letter letter handle
addr receiver address (665000E1@HOTMAIL or pwhite@hotmail.com )
addrtype address type (MAIL602 or Internet )
cc a flag specifying whether the letter is sent directly to the recipient (FALSE) or for information (TRUE)


This function adds one recipient to the recipient list of the created letter of electronic mail. The letter handle is returned by the LetterCreate function

The "Internet" address type is equivalent with the "SMTP" type.

In the (unlikely) case, that a MAPI profile uses another mail type, it's necessary to set the address and address type in the appropriate mail format.

Each letter mush have at least one direct recipient, otherwise the error number 507 occurs. Use the WBL_BCC flag of the LetterCreate function for sending "blind copies".

Function value

The function returns 0 if successful, the error number otherwise.


Sending example
