_IV_TABLE_SPACE System Query | System Queries | _IV_RECENT_LOG System Query |
The system query _iv_mail_profs result contains one row for each mail profile on the computer running the server.
Column description:
Column name | Type | Contents |
Profile_name | CHAR(63) | Name of the profile |
Mail_type | INT | Mail type (1 = Mail602, 2 = MAPI, 4 = SMTP/POP3, see MailGetType) |
Smtp_server | CHAR(63) | Name of the SMTP server |
My_address | CHAR(63) | E-mail address for sending |
Pop3_server | CHAR(63) | POP3 server name |
User_name | CHAR(63) | Name of the user mailbox |
Dial_connection | CHAR(254) | Name of the dial-up connection |
Dial_user | CHAR(254) | User name for the dial-up connection |
Prof_602_mapi | CHAR(63) | Name of the Mail602 or MAPI e-mail profile |
Path | CHAR(254) | A list of folders you can send files from |
List SMTP profiles stored on the server.
SELECT Profile_name FROM _iv_mail_profs WHERE mail_type=4
_IV_TABLE_SPACE System Query | System Queries | _IV_RECENT_LOG System Query |