Errors and Error Categories
Errors that occur when a database client is connected to the server can be divided into several categories. The errors are designated with numbers and may contain other information.
Client-server connection errors or starting and stopping server errors (range 1-127) - These errors only refer to connections between the client and server or the basic server operation.
Server operation errors and errors in client-server communication (range 128-255) - These errors originate on the server when a client request is being processed and may affect the current transaction.
Compiler errors (range 1000-1999) - These errors refer to syntax errors in object compilation.
Mail errors (range 500-599) - These errors occur when the server or client calls an illegal e-mail function or when the e-mail protocol fails.
- Generic errors (range > 6000) - Errors of various types that originate outside of 602SQL. The error number describes the area where the error occurred. Details can be found in the error description. Errors when working with XML are reported as generic errors in the current version (6000 - Error in DAD design, 6001 - Error in xerces initialization, 6002 - Error in XML analysis, 6003 - Error in the XML DAD structure), 6004 - Errors returned by a third party ODBC driver (client only), 6005 - Errors returned by an external fulltext plug-in and 6006 - errors when compiling a regular expression.
The server may also report warnings in some situations. Warning numbers range from 1-127.
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