602SQL as an ODBC Server | Creating an ODBC Data Source on Windows |
You must install the ODBC driver on the computers, that will access the database through ODBC. The ODBC driver installation is part of 602SQL for Windows.
Data access through ODBC can be installed as follows:
If ODBC version 3.0 was never installed on the target computer, you must install it before installing the 602SQL ODBC driver. The ODBC installation description is in the Microsoft ODBC SDK documentation and is supported in newer versions of InstallShield.
Let the installation program do the following when installing the ODBC driver for 602SQL:
char Path[_MAX_PATH]; WORD PathSize; DWORD Usage;
SQLInstallDriverEx("602SQL11 11.0 Driver\0" "Driver=602ODBCW10.DLL\0Setup=602ODBCW11.DLL\0SQLLevel=2\0" "FileUsage=0\0DriverODBCVer=03.00\0" "ConnectFunctions=YYY\0APILevel=2\0", NULL, Path, sizeof(Path), &PathSize, ODBC_INSTALL_COMPLETE, &Usage);
602SQL as an ODBC Server | Creating an ODBC Data Source on Windows |