Column Description in the t_specif Structure

A column in the database table is described by its type and further data according to the type. These data are passed in the variant structure t_specif:

union t_specif  
{ tobjnum domain_num; 
  { sig8 scale;      
    uns8 precision; 
  { uns16 length; 
    uns8  charset;
    uns8  ignore_case : 1;
    uns8  wide_char   : 2;

The cd_Enum_attributes_ex and cd_Attribute_info_ex function return this structure and the SQL_host_execute or SQL_host_prepare require this structure. The individual items of this structure have the following meaning:

Item Usage for types Meaning
domain_num Domains Domain type object number
scale Accurate numeric types Number of decimal places
precision Accurate numeric types Approximate number of valid digits
length Character and binary strings with limited length Length (maximum length)
charset Character strings Charset code
ignore_case Character strings A flag specifying whether to keep in mind letter case when comparing
wide_char Character strings 16-bit characters flag (unicode, i.e. NCHAR type)