wb_data_seek | PHP Interface | wb_fetch_row |
This function reads the contents of the specified record into an array in PHP. This function may also set the internal pointer to the next record.
WARNING: If you read the value of a variable-length column (BLOB, CLOB etc.), only the beginning of the column value will be read (the length is specified in the global parameter longreadlen), see also Manipulating variable-length types in PHP.
Number of the columns that were read from the database if successful, otherwise it is FALSE.
Display the cursor column names and contents:
while (wb_fetch_into($res, $buff)) { for ($i=1; $i<=wb_num_fields($res);$i++){ echo wb_field_name($res, $i).": $buff[$i]<br>"; } echo "<br>"; }
wb_data_seek | PHP Interface | wb_fetch_row |