wb_psql_send_param | 'Prepared' SQL Functions | wb_psql_out_param_count |
This function cancels the currently sent IN and INOUT parameter values and prepares the SQL Server to receive new parameter values. This function can only be used when the SQL statement has nott been executed yet and some values of the IN and INOUT parameters have already been sent to the SQL Server (using the wb_psql_send_param function).
TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
Send an IN parameter value to the SQL Server, cancel the value, send another value, execute the statement and read the OUT parameter value.
$psql=wb_psql_prepare($connection,"SELECT name INTO ? FROM Person WHERE ID=?"); wb_psql_send_param($psql, 1 /*second parameter*/, 123 /*parameter value*/); wb_psql_drop_params($psql); wb_psql_send_param($psql,1,321); wb_psql_execute($psql); echo "name=".wb_psql_get_out_param($psql,0)."\n";
wb_psql_send_param | 'Prepared' SQL Functions | wb_psql_out_param_count |