Runtime Parameters
All settings on this dialog correspond with individual server properties. More details about the parameter settings can be found on the property page.
Operation Tab
Disconnect client when idle for (seconds): The time limit an idle client will be disconnected (server property KillTimeLogged).
Disconnect not logged client when idle for (seconds): The time limit an idle client that is not logged in, will be disconnected (server property KillTimeNotLogged).
Use 2-phase commit: Enables secure transactions, this will affect server performance (server property SecureTransaction).
Flush changes to disk on commit: All changes are saved to disk on each commit, this will affect server performance (server property FlushOnCommit).
Wait for a lock (in tenths of seconds, -1=infinite): If a client cannot place a lock, it will wait this amount of time, then generate an error (server property LockWaitingTimeout).
Database file cache (kb): Size of the internal cache (server property FrameSpace).
Close the database file when server is idle: If enabled, the 602SQL Server will close the database file, when no client or thread is connected (server property CloseFileWhenIdle).
Log cache size (bytes): The size of the memory cache for last log entries accessible to clients (server property TraceLogCacheSize).
Create a new file daily for the Basic log: A basic log file will be created for each day (server property DailyBasicLog).
Create a new file daily for other logs: User logs will be created for each day (server property DailyUserLogs).
Directory for external fulltext index: Location of the external fulltext index files used by the option in the fulltext definition. If not defined, the index will be placed in the main database file folder (server property ExtFulltextDir).
Security Tab
Anonymous access is disabled: Anonymous access is disabled (server property DisableAnonymous).
Unlimited reusability of the password: Allow the use of permanent passwords (server property UnlimitedPasswords).
Minimum password length: Minimum length of a user password (server property MinPasswordLen).
Password expire every (days, 0=never): Maximum number of days a password is valid (server property PasswordExpiration).
Domain that validates logins: Name of the Windows domain used for authentication (server property ThrustedDomain).
Create Domain users on the server: If enabled, users connected to the TrustedDomain domain will be automatically created on the 602SQL Server on the first connection (server property CreateDomainUsers).
Encrypt network communication: If enabled, encrypted communication is required from the network client (server property ReqCommEnc).
Configuration administrators can manage CONFIG_ADMIN: If enabled, the CONFIG_ADMIN group members may assign other users to the CONFIG_ADMIN group (server property ConfAdmsOwnGroup).
Configuration administrators can manage user groups: If enabled, the CONFIG_ADMIN group members may assign other users to groups (server property ConfAdmsUserGroups).
Restrict HTTP access to the user account: Select one user for HTTP access (server property HTTPUser).
SQL Compatibility Tab
You can set individual 602SQL Server compatibility attributes for the SQL standard. Each attribute corresponds with a certain value (and corresponding character constant). The sum of all attributes will be written to the database as a server property DefaultSQLOptions and will be used for all future client connections.
Individual attribute descriptions can be found on the page SQL language compatibility attributes.
Everything except SQLOPT_DISABLE_SCALED is checked by default.
DLL/so Directories Tab
The DLL (so on Linux) library folders that can be used for external routine declaration on the server are specified on this tab. Individual folders are stored in the database as server properties Dir[N].
The Browse button opens a standard dialog for selecting a new folder. The Add directory button inserts the selected folder to the list. The Replace directory button replaces a folder in the list with the selected folder and the Remove directory button removes the selected folder from the list.
You can only select the folder for a local connected server, since the dialog for browsing only works with local folders!
IP Filtering Tabs
You may restrict clients access (through TCP/IP, HTTP Tunneling or Web Access) to the server based on their IP address. More details can be found on the page Filtering client IP addresses. The specified values are stored in the database as server properties IP_enabled... and IP_disabled..., IP1_enabled... and IP2_enabled... etc.
You can add an IP address by entering the value into the first column of the grid. You can remove an address by removing it from the first column.