602SQL Documentation Index  

System Folder on the Control Panel

The System folder allows:

The parameters that affect server operation (set when the server is running and stored in the database) are set here. Other parameters that are required to run the server itself are stored in external storage (Windows registry) using the dialogs Database Management or Server Connection Data).

Runtime parameters

Double-click this folder to open a dialog window that allows you to specify 602SQL Server parameters. This window is described on the page Runtime Parameters dialog.

Protocols and Ports

You may specify the set of communication protocols for the selected 602SQL server. More information can be found on the page Dialog Protocols and Ports.

System Objects

You will find important database components that are common for all applications in the System / System objects folder. Click on the individual types for more information.

UsersUsers Privilege subjects (same as a group) defined in the database context. Privileges are modified for individual applications using roles.
GroupsGroups Sets of users that have the same privileges. A privilege granted to a group is assigned to all members of this groups.
System  tablesSystem tables Special tables of the 602SQL Server core that stores information about database tables (TABTAB), other objects (OBJTAB) and users and groups (USERTAB).

System tables cannot be edited directly from the Control Panel (they can be opened, and only some columns can be changed).

You can restore objects that were deleted by accident. There is the Deleted? checkbox in the first grid column. This checkbox may have three values: not checked=valid record, checked=deleted record, that can be restored, gray=dropped record, that cannot be restored. You can restore deleted records by unchecking the checkbox. The restored record will appear on the Control Panel when it is refreshed.

BEWARE: Deleted records are not used in queries. You cannot search for the record by sorting the grid or restricting the grid with some condition.


Tools and utilities from this section are opened by double-clicking them.

Automatic Backups

You can set parameters to automatically backup the database file. More information about backups can be found on the page How to create a complete database backup.

Message to Clients

You can send a short message to other network clients from this dialog (e.g. to let them know to finish their work, because an upgrade is scheduled, etc.).

Database Consistency

You can check database consistency here. If errors exist you can attempt to repair them. More information about consistency checks may be found on the page Checking database consistency. Consistency repair (not the consistency check) requires the server to be locked (no user can be connected).

Database Encryption

You can choose the encryption type and encrypt the database. More information can be found on the page Protecting database against intruder attacks.

Server Certificate

This tool allows you to generate a certificate or import an external certificate from a file. More information about certificates can be found on the Verifying 602SQL Server identity on a network.

Rename Server

It may be necessary to modify the name or binary identification of the 602SQL Server. You have to restart the server after the modification! If you change the server identification all user passwords will be invalid. More information about server identification can be found on the page Server name, address and identity

Export Users

This utility exports all users and groups from the database (including relations) to a file. This can be used to import these subjects into another database. More information can be found on the page Export and import of all users.

Users Import

This utility imports users and groups from a file into the database.


You may enable runtime profiling and watch the results here. More information can be found on the 602SQL Server runtime profiling page.

Extension Manager

This toll allows you to activate commercial server extensions.

Web XML Interface

The parameters of the Web XML Interface can be set here as well as a functionality verification - details on the Put Web XML interface into Operation page. It is not a component part of the English documentation as yet.

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