wb_lob_read | Manipulating Variable-length Types in PHP | wb_lob_write |
Truncates the length of the lob LOB to the size characters.
Characters are:
The size parameter value must be in the interval 0 to N, where N is the current LOB size (can be obtained by the wb_lob_length function). LOB data that is not inside the interval will be deleted.
You cannot extend a LOB with this function. You may only append data to a LOB by calling the wb_lob_write function.
TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
Delete a CLOB:
$cursor=wb_exec($connection,"SELECT clob_column FROM clob_table WHERE id=1"); wb_set_lob_mode($cursor,WB_LOBMODE_RESOURCE); wb_fetch_into($cursor,$rec); echo "Length of the CLOB is ".wb_lob_length($rec["CLOB_COLUMN"])."\n"; wb_lob_truncate($rec["CLOB_COLUMN"],0); echo "Length of the CLOB after deleting its contents ".wb_lob_length($rec["CLOB_COLUMN"])."\n";
wb_lob_read | Manipulating Variable-length Types in PHP | wb_lob_write |